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Paving the way forward

Treating Recurring IVF Failures Skillfully - Apex Reproductive Healthcare Ltd in London

supporting, comforting hands to denote treatment for recurrent IVF failures

Why do IVF Failures Occur?

  • Numerous factors contribute to recurrent IVF failures.

  • Treatment strategies are tailored to address specific underlying causes.

  • It is essential to consult a skilled, experienced fertility expert for appropriate treatment options in this situation.


At Apex Reproductive Healthcare Ltd in London, Dr. Vidya Seshadri specialises in identifying and treating a range of factors that contribute to IVF failures. Some common factors known to cause recurrent IVF failures are:

Quality of Embryos:

Advanced age or other factors can lead to diminished egg or sperm quality, while chromosomal abnormalities in embryos (aneuploidies) may also contribute to IVF challenges.


Genetic Testing can be used to screen embryos for chromosomal abnormalities and select normal embryos for transfer, improving implantation rates.

Issues with Endometrial Receptivity:

Challenges such as a thin endometrial lining, adenomyosis (a condition where the tissue that normally lines the inside of the uterus starts to grow into the muscle wall of the uterus), and immunological factors may present hurdles in the implantation process, requiring tailored approaches for successful outcomes.


Dr. Vidya may recommend medications such as estrogen, low-dose aspirin, or immunomodulators* like intralipids (a fat emulsion that supports embryo retention), to help make the uterus more receptive for pregnancy.

*not evidence-based

Thrombophilia (Blood Clotting Disorders):

Thrombophilia can potentially affect fertility by increasing the risk of blood clots in the small blood vessels of the reproductive organs, such as the uterus or ovaries. These blood clots may interfere with normal blood flow to the reproductive organs, impacting their function.


Dr. Vidya Seshadri might prescribe medication like low-dose aspirin to stop blood from clotting too much, which can help make sure the embryo can stick properly in the uterus during pregnancy.

Uterine Structural Abnormalities:

Fibroids, polyps, and uterine septum can be associated with failed implantations. The treatment Dr. Vidya might recommend may include medication, surgery, or other procedures depending on your specific condition and its impact on fertility.


Endometriosis is a complex and often debilitating condition that requires a multidisciplinary approach for effective management and treatment.
View Dr. Vidya's publication on endometriosis here ->

Other Issues:

Endometrial selectivity and Hydrosalpinges will be addressed at your consultation with Dr. Vidya.

Help is Just a Click Away - Consult Dr. Vidya Seshadri

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