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Reproductive Immunology Services by an Experienced Fertility Expert in London

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What is Reproductive Immunology?

  • Reproductive immunology is a science that investigates the relationship between the immune system and the reproductive system.

  • It focuses on conception and pregnancy.

  • It seeks to understand how the reproductive immune system adjusts to pregnancy.

* reproductive immunology & immunotherapy are not evidence-based


Dr. Vidya Seshadri at Apex Reproductive Healthcare Ltd in London, is skilled to assess immune factors that contribute to infertility or complications during pregnancy.

Some of the treatments could include:

  • Diagnostic Tests:
    Reproductive immunologists may perform various diagnostic tests to evaluate immune factors contributing to pregnancy loss or recurrent IVF failures. These include tests for autoantibodies, cytokine levels, or natural killer cell activity. These tests are not evidence-based.

  • Immunomodulatory Therapies*:
    These therapies (* not evidence-based) are designed to regulate the immune system's response during fertility treatments, pregnancy, or related reproductive health issues. These therapies may be used to address conditions such as recurrent pregnancy loss or implantation failure during in vitro fertilisation (IVF). Some of the immunomodulatory therapies are:

    Immunomodulators like intralipids (a fat emulsion that supports embryo retention) help make the uterus more receptive for pregnancy.

    Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIg) Therapy:
    This involves administering concentrated antibodies obtained from blood donors to modulate the immune response, potentially reducing inflammation and improving pregnancy outcomes.

    Corticosteroid Therapy:
    Corticosteroids may be prescribed to suppress immune activity and reduce inflammation, particularly in cases of autoimmune-related infertility or recurrent pregnancy loss.

    Immune-Enhancing Supplements:
    Certain supplements, such as vitamin D or omega-3 fatty acids, may have immunomodulatory effects and could be recommended to support reproductive health.


These therapies are typically prescribed and administered under the supervision of reproductive immunologists or fertility specialists after thorough evaluation and diagnosis of the underlying immune-related issues impacting fertility or pregnancy.

Improve Your Chances by Consulting a Reproductive Healthcare Professional

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